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We Lived With Dinosaurs!

What you are about to read is an excerpt from my book titled, "In the Beginning." You might be interested to know that approximately 800,000 years ago someone built the Great Sphinx in Egypt. What civilization might have constructed the Great Sphinx and was advanced enough to construct a monument that has lasted nearly a million years? In this excerpt from my book, "In the Beginning," you will read evidence that humankind has been on this planet for perhaps three hundred million years! The evidence that you are about to read is sourced from various publications over the course of several decades.

Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, written by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, is a meticulously researched work of 828 pages in length. The book challenges the present belief that modern humans − Homo sapiens − have existed for no more than approximately 300,000 years.

Cremo and Thompson reveal discoveries of artifacts and human remains in deep strata and coal seams made over many decades that show evidence of human existence dating back hundreds of millions of years. The evidence is quite compelling and equally as fascinating; however, I will present only a few of many discoveries presented in their book. I urge anyone wanting to know more concerning our human origins to obtain a copy of this intriguing, fascinating, and thoroughly researched work and read the evidence for yourselves.

Discoveries that do not fit into the accepted human timeline have consistently been rejected and suppressed by modern paleoanthropological researchers and academia.

The next few pages of this book will reveal some of the amazing archaeological evidence of how ancient mankind might be. Coal seams have surrendered some incredible finds.

For example: “In December of 1862, the following brief but intriguing report appeared in a journal called The Geologist: ‘In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the Earth. . . The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.’”

The authors contacted the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, specifically the State Geological Survey Division, to inquire of the age of the coal seam the bones were discovered in. The response came back stating that the Pennsylvanian coal system ranges from 286 million to 320 million years old. (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, p. 454, 6.3.1).

“On June 11, 1891, The Morrisonville Times reported: A curious find was brought to light by Mrs. S. W. Culp last Tuesday morning. As she was breaking a lump of coal preparatory to putting it in the scuttle, she discovered, as the lump fell apart, embedded in a circular shape a small gold chain about ten inches in length of antique and quaint workmanship. At first Mrs. Culp thought the chain had been dropped accidentally in the coal, but as she undertook to lift the chain up, the idea of its having been recently dropped was at once made fallacious, for as the lump of coal broke it separated almost in the middle, and the circular position of the chain placed the two ends near to each other, and as the lump separated, the middle of the chain became loosened while each end remained fastened to the coal. This is a study for the students of archaeology who love to puzzle their brains over the geological construction of the Earth from whose ancient depth the curious is always dropping out. The lump of coal from which this chain was taken is supposed to come from the Taylorville or Pana mines [southern Illinois] and almost hushes one’s breath with mystery when it is thought for how many long ages the Earth has been forming strata after strata which hid the golden links from view. The chain was an eight-carat gold and weighed eight penny-weights."

The Illinois State Geological Survey has said the coal in which the gold chain was found is 260-320 million years old. This raises the possibility that culturally advanced human beings were present in North America during that time.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 805-806, A2.9).

“On January 10, 1949, Robert Nordling sent a photograph of an iron cup to Frank L. Marsh of Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Nordling wrote: ‘I visited a friend’s museum in southern Missouri. Among his curios, he had the iron cup pictured on the enclosed snapshot.’ (Rusch 1971, p. 201).”

“At the private museum, the iron cup had been displayed along with the following affidavit, made by Frank J. Kenwood in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, on November 27, 1948: ‘While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledgehammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mold of the pot in the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma, Mines.’ (Rusch 1971, p. 201). According to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the Wilburton mine coal is about 312 million years old.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 806-807, A2.11).

The Next Few Examples Are of Archaeological Finds Found in Deposits

Other Than Coal

“In 1871, William E. Dubois of the Smithsonian Institution reported on several man-made objects found at deep levels in Illinois. The first object was a copper quasi coin (Figure A 2.3) from Lawn Ridge, in Marshall County, Illinois. In a letter to the Smithsonian Institution, J. W. Moffit stated that in August 1870 he was drilling a well using a ‘common ground auger’ (W. Dubois 1871, p. 224). When Moffit brought the auger up from a depth of 125 feet, he discovered the coinlike object ‘on the auger.’” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, p. 801-802, A2.7).

“W. E. Dubois (1871, p. 225) said that the shape of the quasi coin was ‘polygonal approaching to circular.’” It had crude drawings of figures and was inscribed in an unrecognizable language. “Dubois concluded that the coin must have been made in a machine shop.

According to information supplied by the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, p. 801-802, A2.7, A2.3).

“The quasi coin described above suggests the existence of a civilization at least 200,000 years ago in North America. Yet beings intelligent enough to make and use coins (Homo sapiens sapiens) are generally not thought to have lived much earlier than 100,000 years ago. According to standard views, metal coins were first used in Asia Minor during the eighth century B.C.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 801-802, A2.7).

“A small human image, skillfully formed in clay, was found in 1889 at Nampa, Idaho (Figure A2.4). The figurine came from the 300-foot level of a well boring. G.F. Wright (1912, pp. 266-267) wrote: The record of the well shows that in reaching the stratum from which the image was brought up they had penetrated first about fifty feet of soil, then about fifteen feet of basalt, and afterward passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand … down to a depth of about three hundred feet when the sand pump began to bring up numerous clay balls, some of them more than two inches in diameter, densely coated with iron oxide. In the lower portion of this stratum, there were evidences of a buried land surface, over which there had been a slight accumulation of vegetable mold. It was from this point that the image in question was brought up at a depth of three hundred and twenty feet. A few feet farther down, sand rock was reached."

"As for the figurine, Wright (1912, p. 267) noted: The image in question is made of the same material as that of the clay balls mentioned, and is about an inch and a half long; and remarkable for the perfection with which it represents the human form…. It was a female figure, and had the lifelike lineaments in the parts which were finished that would do credit to the classic centers of art."

Responding to our inquiries, the United States Geological Survey stated in a letter (February 25, 1985) that the clay layer at a depth of over 300 feet is ‘probably of the Glenns Ferry Formation, upper Idaho Group, which is generally considered to be of Plio-Pleistocene age.’

Other than Homo sapiens sapiens, no hominid is known to have fashioned works of art like the Nampa figurine. The evidence, therefore, suggests that humans of the modern type were living in America around 2 million years ago, at the Plio-Pleistocene boundary.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 803-804).

“Y. Druet and H. Salfati announced in 1968 the discovery of semi-ovoid metallic tubes of identical shape but varying size in Cretaceous chalk (Corliss 1978, pp. 652-653). The chalk bed, exposed in a quarry at Saint-Jean de Livet, France, is estimated to be at least 65 million years old. Having considered and eliminated several hypotheses, Druet and Salfati concluded that intelligent beings had lived 65 million years ago.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 809-810, A2.14.1).

“In the 1960s, highly sophisticated stone tools (Figure 5.10) rivaling the best work of Cro-magnon man in Europe were unearthed by Juan Armenta Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams at Hueyatlaco, near Valsequillo, 75 miles southeast of Mexico City. Stone tools of a somewhat cruder nature were found at the nearby site of El Horno. At both the Hueyatlaco and El Horno sites, the stratigraphic location of the implements does not seem to be in doubt. However, these artifacts do have a very controversial feature: a team of geologists working for the U.S. Geological Survey gave them dates of about 250,000 years B.P. This team, working under a grant from the National Science Foundation, consisted of Harold Malde and Virginia Steen-McIntyre, both of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the late Roald Fryxell of Washington State University.

These geologists said four different dating methods independently yielded an anomalously great age for the artifacts found near Valsequillo (Steen-McIntyre et al, 1981). The dating methods used were (1) uranium-series dating, (2) fission track dating, (3) tephra hydration dating, and (4) study of mineral weathering. The carbon 14 and potassium-argon methods were not applicable at the Hueyatlaco and El Horno sites, and paleomagnetic measurements did not provide any useful information.

As might be imagined, the date of 250,000 years obtained for Hueyatlaco by the U.S. Geological Survey team provoked a great deal of controversy. If accepted, it would have revolutionized not only New World anthropology but the whole picture of human origins. Human beings capable of making the sophisticated tools found at Hueyatlaco are not thought to have come into existence until about 100,000 years ago in Africa.” (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, pp. 354-355, 5.4.4).

“In 1975, quite by accident, Virginia-Steen McIntyre learned of the existence of another site with an impossibly early date for stone tools in North America---Sandia Cave, New Mexico, U.S.A., where the implements, of advanced type (Folsom points), were discovered beneath a layer of stalagmite considered to be 250,000 years old. One such tool is shown in Figure 5.11. (Cremo and Thompson, 1993, p. 366, 5.4.5).

Inspired by our Lord Christ Jesus.

Typed by Wayne Hill

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