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Disciple of our Lord Christ Jesus

About the Author

Some Background of Mr. Hill

Mr. Hill

A brief history of my background before becoming a full time writer for our Lord Christ Jesus!

May I take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Wayne Hill, and I was born in a small ranching community on the Western edge of the Texas Hill Country. It was a quaint town called Sonora, with country charm and a laid back lifestyle.


After my High School years were behind me, I worked at various jobs that would serve me well throughout my life. First in repairing windmills, then in dirt construction where I learned to operate heavy equipment, and lastly, as a park superintendent.

Soon after, I joined the United States Air Force where I spent the next 4 1/2 years of my life serving my country before becoming a free-man once again.


Shortly after leaving the service, I worked for about 3 years in the oil and natural gas industry, then 9 years plus with GTE Government Systems, and finally, working for myself as a self-employed computer repair technician and with some network installation experience. I failed at this business opportunity miserably and was forced to find work back home again in Sonora as a heavy equipment operator.


Since then, I have relocated to San Angelo, Texas, which is now my permanent home. Shortly after moving back to San Angelo from Sonora, I experienced a phenomenon that would greatly change my life. I will give you more information about the changes that took place in my life - actually for the better, even though it did not start out that way - by telling you about each of the books I wrote. Please view my Radio and Video Interview tab, which is under the 'more' tab, and watch the interviews and my movie trailer, if you please. I think you will find them most interesting!   

Trinity Insights Publications

Books On Faith & Spirituality

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contact Wayne Hill


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