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The Attraction Between the Moon and Earth

Writer's picture: Wayne HillWayne Hill

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Have you ever wondered why we can only see one side of the Moon? That seemingly, the Moon never seems to revolve on its axis? No one seems to know why that is, however, there are theories. The conventional theory is that the Moon's rotational period exactly matches its orbital period. This process supposedly happened millions of years over time as the Earth's gravitational field slowed the Moon's orbital period until it locked in at its present rotational period. However, why would it have taken millions of years, knowing that the Earth's gravitational pull on the Moon is asserted to be six times stronger than the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth? How exactly would the Earth lock in the Moon's rotational period? I propose the following theory.

The Earth and Moon both have static charges. Static charges attract and repel one another similar to magnets. The Earth's static charge is negative, and the Moon's static charge is also negative, although the Earth's static charge is much more negative than that of the Moon due to the Earth's size in comparison to the Moon. Since the Earth's negative static charge is so much stronger than the Moon's negative static charge, the Moon's negative static charge, being significantly weaker, appears to be a positive charge in comparison. This results in the two celestial bodies being attracted to one another. Therefore, the Moon is held in the same position by the net attraction between the two celestial bodies, with one side of the Moon always facing toward the Earth. The static hold that Earth has on the Moon keeps it from revolving. Two magnets can illustrate this. One magnet is much stronger than the other. The much stronger magnet will, in effect, control the weaker magnet and lock it into position relative to itself. The much smaller magnet would not be able to break free of the stronger magnetic field of the larger magnet. Also, the smaller magnet is attracted to the larger magnet and vise versa, so a natural bond exists between them. They like it that way you might say. And, this static attraction would not have necessarily occurred over millions of years of time. There might have been quite a show of power in the beginning as the two celestial bodies normalized their charges. There might have been a discharge of static charge from the Earth to the Moon, or perhaps, from the Moon to the Earth. Eventually, their mutual attraction would have resulted in the Moon always showing Earth the same face.

Let us try to envision two spheres of comparable size to illustrate this situation. Both the Earth and Moon are spheres having negative static charges on their surfaces. The Moon has a smaller negative static charge than does the Earth due to their comparative sizes. Let us give Earth six times the negative static charge of the Moon. In our example, the two spheres will be setting atop two pedestals with a ceramic rod and ball bearings as support. Let us assume there will be no frictional forces to hinder either sphere just as we would observe in space. Keep in mind that the static charges on the surface of each sphere are pretty much constant, just as gravity is. If we then rotate the sphere representing the Earth, would the sphere representing the Moon rotate as well? No, it would not, since the negative static charge of the Earth tends to bond to the six times smaller negative charge --acting as a positive charge as already explained-- of the Moon through the mutual attraction. Therefore, the Moon would stay locked to the Earth with the same side of the Moon always facing the Earth.

The conventional theory of why the Moon continues to show us the same side is a little puzzling. Since the Moon has an elliptical orbit, it drifts from nearest to the Earth to farthest from the Earth. What this means, according to the conventional explanation, is that we get to see a little more of the Moon as the Earth's gravitational force directed toward the Moon weakens as the Moon moves further away from the Earth, which allows the rotational period to overtake the orbital period thus showing more of the Moon's dark side to us. Therefore 59% of the surface of the Moon can be seen from Earth during each orbit.

There is a caveat to this theory, however. Why does the Moon then return with the same side facing us once its orbit brings it nearer to the Earth? Should it not instead over time, result in the Moon completing a rotation every orbit or so, so that we could eventually see the whole surface of the Moon? In order for the Moon to do as suggested according to the current theory, the Moon would have to reverse its direction of rotation to continue to show us the same side of the Moon. Visualizing this motion is hard to describe; however, I will give it a try.

Let us imagine the Moon is nearest the Earth. At this point, the Moon is still showing the same side that we usually see from Earth. As it approaches the farthest distance from Earth, it begins to rotate ever so slightly, due to the weakening effect from Earth's gravity as the Moon moves further away, with the result being that we can see part of the dark side of the Moon. Then, as the Moon reaches its apogee, we can now see even more of the dark side. Due to this slight rotation at its furthest distance from Earth, it reveals another 9% of its surface to Earth. Then the Moon begins to move closer to the Earth once again. Now, if the Moon continued to revolve on its axis, we should see more and more of its dark side. However, this does not happen. What must happen for those of us on Earth to seem the same side of the Moon is that the Moon must reverse its rotational direction so that by the time it reaches perigee, which is the Moon's closest approach to the Earth, we see the same side of the Moon once again. If this did not happen, then we would observe the Moon make a complete revolution once every orbit or so.

The Moon keeps from colliding with the Earth due to its orbital velocity. The orbit of the Moon is elliptical, so its distance from Earth varies. There is a minimum distance, perigee, that the Moon orbits the Earth and a maximum distance, apogee, which means that its orbital speed does vary. When we launch weather satellites or communication satellites into Earth orbit, they must achieve a high enough orbital velocity to maintain their orbit around the Earth. Otherwise, they will crash to Earth. The Moon has maintained its orbit around the Earth for perhaps a billion years. What a day that must have been to see the Moon approaching Earth from deep space as if it were going to crash into Earth, and then instead, it ended up orbiting the Earth until this very day.

Well, that is the theory that I was given by our Lord Christ Jesus. Is that not interesting; that our Lord Christ Jesus would be interested in this particular subject? Actually, it is not at all since He was the one who created the Earth and Moon and all the Stars in our Milky Way galaxy and all of ten billion other galaxies so far discovered. And, Christ Jesus must be the greatest scientist ever! Keep in mind that our Lord God's creation is without limit. I wonder why He created such a magnificent universe without bounds in every conceivable direction? Once we get to Heaven, we can ask Him. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed reading this rather lengthy essay and I do hope you will have a very nice remaining day!

Inspired by our Lord Christ Jesus.

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